News, Upcoming Events & Offers


In line with guidance issued by the Veterinary Medicines Directorate (VMD), written prescriptions will now be emailed directly to your pharmacy of choice.  You will no longer be given a hard copy, nor will you be emailed a copy of the prescription to pass on.

Please provide us with the appropriate email address and order number for your pharmacy and prescription order when requesting your prescription.

Please remember that we need 24hrs notice to produce this for you. We also still require 24 hours notice for repeat medications that you wish to collect direct from the practice.

Many thanks for your understanding.


Our own brand supplement range will soon become dual branded with Hestevard. The first two supplements we will be focusing on are Hesteflex and BoxMerix.

Hesteflex contains Glucosamine, Chrondroitin, MSM, Boswellia, Vitamins C & E to support and assisit with joint and tendon function, comfort and support. Thid product is a new and improved version of our Joint Excel Elite.

BozMerix is a complementary feedstuff for the maintenance of normal articular, muscular and joint functions and is particularly aimed at horses showing signs of stiffness, that are older, during periods of rehabilitation or intense training and competition. BozMerix is allowed under competition rules.

OFFER!!  Hestevard are offering FREE sample packs of either Hesteflex or BozMerix which comes with an information pack and a 30% off voucher if you wish to purchase the product after your trial (you can purchase via the clinic).

To get your free sample visit and complete the form or contact us us at the clinic for more information.


We have recently invested in a brand new endoscopy system, with two new endoscopes, a 1.5m respiratory endoscope and a 3.5m gastroscope.  This system provides us with excellent images and videos and is fully portable so can be done at the yard (mains power and clean under cover area required).

Visiting Specialists 

We are often visited by specialists, most often Dr Safia Barakzai BVSc DESTS Dopl. ECVS FRCVS from Equine Surgical Referrals, offering specialist standing surgery and laser surgery.

Laser surgery is most often used for the removal of lesions such as sarcoids and melanomas and is done under standing sedation at the clinic.  Please contact the office if you would like your horse to be added to the list for the next surgery day, or to discuss further.


Dental Offer

We run a long standing dental offer of a free visit if there are 4 or more dentals booked in on the same visit.  All our vets are experienced in equine dentistry and we have a wide range of dental equipment enabling them to provide the dental care your horse requires.

We advise all horses have a dental examination every 6-12 months (unless advised otherwise by the vet) to help prevent dental issues leading to pain and discomfort.

If you would like to organise a dental for your horse or have any other queries regarding dentistry please contact the clinic.

FREE ACTH lab fees for Equine Cushings Disease (PPID) testing & monitoring from ‘Care About Cushings’

Diagnostic Cushings Disease Tests

Currently ACTH lab fees for horses and ponies are free providing the animal has not previously been diagnosed with the condition/is not on treatment.

Equine Cushings Disease (PPID) is a condition that involves enlargement of the pituitary gland which secretes increased levels of the hormone ACTH causing clinical signs including hirsuitism (long curly coat), laminitis, fat pads above the eyes, increased urination, increased drinking, recurrent infections and lethargy.

Cushings Disease is diagnosed with clinical signs and a blood sample to test the levels of the ACTH hormone.

The condition is usually able to be well controlled with medication.

For more information on Cushings Disease visit the Talk About Laminitis website wym-1546686980300

Monitoring  Cushings Disease Tests

All horses and ponies previously diagnosed with Cushings Disease and on treatment for the condition with Prascend are eligible for one free set of ACTH lab fees per year for monitoring purposes.

We are now able to obtain the monitoring code on your behalf via the Care About Cushings website.

*Please note* this offer is for free lab fees only – blood sampling/visit fee still applies.